用以特指某类或某一个事物的名称。“别名”是荀子(前313 ?—前238)所使用的一种名称类别,与“共名”相对。名用以指称实。同一类别之中具有特殊属性的事物类别,可以用一个“别名”来加以指称。一个“别名”所指称的事物类别中若仍然具有特殊的事物类别,可以用更高层级的“别名”来加以指称。如此类推,直至不能划分出更细致的事物类别。指称一个事物大类的“别名”称为“大别名”。
Distinct Name
A distinct name is used for a particular category or a certain object. It is used by Xunzi (313?-238 BC) in contrast with “general name.” A name should denote the nature of a thing. Things in the same category that have unique features can be referred to by “distinct names.” Subsets within that category with further characteristics of their own can in turn have a higher-level “distinct name.” A distinct name with the broadest reference is called “broad distinct name.”
贰 大熊猫的和平象征大熊猫在历史上以食肉为主,但在约300万年前,原始大熊猫的食谱结构便从肉食发展为以竹子为食。由于大熊猫只吃竹子而不伤害其他动物,因此古人认为它们是一种能与友邻和平共处的“义兽”,也将其视为友善的象征。 西晋时期,人们称大熊猫为“驺虞”。有个典故叫“驺虞示和”,意思是说,两军交战时,如果一方举起写着“驺虞”字样的大旗,就表示想投降求和。由此可见,大熊猫在当时已经有着巨大的影响力了。大熊猫自身强大但又不欺负其他弱小动物,其和平属性与中华民族一直追求的和平、和睦、和谐理念不谋而合。因此,大熊猫被视为中国的国宝,不仅是因为其数量稀少,而且还因为它们表现了我国对和平的向往与追求。
友好亲近,和善共处。“友”的古字形象方向相同的两只手,引申为志 趣相同,互为援手;“善”本义美善、和善。两字联用,用来形容超越血缘的人与人之间亲密和善的关系状态。这种关系的建立是以彼此秉持共同的道义原则为前提的。时至今日,作为一种个人品质和伦理规范,它仍然被认为是构建和谐美好社会所必需的价值观。
Friendly and Kind
This term means to be friendly and kind to each other in peaceful co-existence. You (友) in its ancient ideographic form consists of two hands extending in the same direction, metaphorically indicating common interest and offering a helping hand to each other. Shan (善) means to be gracious and kind. When these two Chinese characters are used together as in the current term, they denote a close and harmonious relationship among people, a bond that transcends blood ties. This kind of bond is based on the principle of righteousness commonly upheld by all parties involved. To date, as a hallmark of good character and ethical conduct, friendliness is still deemed as an essential element in the value system for building a harmonious and ideal society.
叁 大熊猫的外交之路除了大熊猫的和平属性,它们还肩负着重要的“外交使命”。从古到今,大熊猫多次出国担任友好使者,为中国发展对外友好关系作出了不可磨灭的贡献。据日本《皇家年鉴》记载,公元658年,武则天以两只活体白熊(熊猫)和70张皮作为大唐国礼,赠送给了日本天武天皇。新中国成立以来,中国开始推行“熊猫外交”。在19世纪70年代,中国相继向美国、日本、法国、英国等国家赠送大熊猫,以推动与他国的友好关系。
后来,由于大熊猫生存环境的恶化,中国于2007年停止了向外国无偿赠送大熊猫的做法,中国悠久的“熊猫外交”的传统也圆满画上了句号。但是,作为对中国外交做出杰出贡献的“和平大使”,大熊猫的所承载的使命仍然影响着崇尚以和为贵的中国人。 【上下滑动查看术语】和为贵
以和谐为贵。“和”,和谐、恰当,是在尊重事物差异性、多样性基础上 的和谐共存。本指“礼”的作用就是使不同等级的人既保持一定差别又彼 此和谐共存,各得其所,各安其位,相得益彰,从而实现全社会的“和而 不同”,为儒家处理人际关系的重要伦理原则。后泛指人与人之间、团体与团体之间、国家与国家之间和谐、和睦、和平、融洽的关系状态。它体现了中华民族反对暴力冲突、崇尚和平与和谐的“文”的精神。
Harmony Is Most Precious
Make harmony a top priority. He (和) indicates congruity and appropriateness. It is a state of congenial co-existence on the basis of due respect for differences and diversity. At first, this phrase referred to the role of li (礼rites / social norms) which is to keep citizens of distinct social status co-existing in a harmonious way, with everybody having his or her own place and staying there contentedly for mutual benefits, resulting in a “harmonious yet diverse” society. It is an important moral concept of the Confucian school in managing inter-personal relations. The term later evolved to refer in general to harmonious, congenial, peaceful, and agreeable relationships among people, groups, and states. It epitomizes the “civil” nature of the Chinese people, who oppose violent conflicts and aspire for peace and harmony.
[1] 成都大熊猫繁育研究基地. 大熊猫历史[EB/OL]. (2013-01-25) [2023-5-17]. http://m.panda.org.cn/info/ShowInfo/?classid=13&yid=935.
[2] 王伦. 似乎只会卖萌的大熊猫为什么是国宝?[EB/OL]. 人民日报海外版. (2021-10-12) [2023-5-17]. https://m.gmw.cn/baijia/2021-10/12/1302636098.html.
[3] 中国国家历史.大熊猫自古以来就是国宝吗?原来它在历史上是这样的存在[EB/OL]. (2020-10-19) [2023-5-17]. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/y2ftV4a8giZwMnGEPl0wLQ.
[4] 图片来源于网络